Student Vaccine Registration 2024

Student Surokkha Vaccine Registration: In order to the government all student Vaccine Registration has started or surokkha apps.

18 years and above age will be eligible for Surokkha Vaccine Registration (covid-19). All category private and government institutes can register. Students need a national identity card without NID Card not allowing vaccine registration. 

All institutions have been closed for a long time. So the government decided to start an educational institution by bringing all the students under the vaccine.

Student Surokkha Vaccine Registration

School, College, Universities all students can register for vaccines in case of national identity card (NID). After registration complete vaccine date notified register mobile number by SMS from the authority. 

The government has introduced a vaccination program for all institutions. They will be able to apply through the website- This service is active now.

Update News: ১৮ বছর বা তদূর্ধ্ব সকল ছাত্র/ছাত্রী ভ্যাক্সিনের জন্য রেজিস্ট্রশন করতে পারবে।

How to Surokkha Vaccine Registration?

Students must register from or surokkha apps. No one can vaccine without registration. So, everyone knows the vaccine registration process. So, follow the below instruction:

Step- 01 

  1. Click to any browser
  2. Then, visit to –
  3. Click to Registration Option (নিবন্ধন)
  4. Identity verification, Select category (18 years and above age), ১৮ বছর বা তদূর্ধ্ব ছাত্র/ছাত্রী
  5. Type your national Identity Card (NID) and Date of birth (according to National Identity Card).
  6. Then, Type your right Capchar.
  7. Click to Verify Option (যাচাই করুন)

Click Here

Step- 02

  1. Input your Mobile Number (The mobile must be active)
  2. Current address (the address at which the vaccine is intended to be received)
  3. Choose (Division, District, Upazila, Union / Municipality / Thana, Ward No
  4. যে কেন্দে টিকা দিতে ইচ্ছুক (Select center)

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