NSI Result 2022: NSI Exam Result has been published on their official cnp.teletalk.com.bd, pmo.gov.bd, nsi.gov.bd PDF from notice board for the position different position.
I will discuss the topic NSI Result for you. Please check the full article carefully. I am sure you can be confident to know the NSI result full ideal.
Surely, you are looking for NSI results? then this article for you. Candidates can be check from our website NSI Exam Result as soon as the result is published.
Now, Candidates can be found the result on official website and as well as our website available. Just scroll down, you can see all details information.Candidates through our website PDF or Image format download.
cnp.teletalk.com.bd website is upload the exam result different position. Those who examiner can be exam result check use roll number.
The preliminary exam test is taken MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) system, Candidates have to MCQ answer a total of 80 marks, 1 mark for each question.
Looking for all candidates for the exam result. Now the authority didn’t fixed exam result date but probably exam result will be published early.
Those who participated in the exam test will be published their results. Probably the authority is upload the result through cnp.teletalk.com.bd as soon as possible.
The evaluation of MCQ exam test is already over, the result will be sent to their official website the authorities give instructions.
Only the authority who pass candidates list is published on official website. Candidates just visit on their official website – pmo.gov.bd from notice board.
We always try update notice provided. So, we stay connected to our website all the time. Before some days ago exam held. Large number of applicant participate in the exam, they are waiting for the result.
Table of Contents
NSI Result
They Applicants can check preliminary, written, viva exam results to known through www.nsi.gov.bd. The authority exam result will be upload pdf format.
Eligible & qualified candidate’s online application form was collected on 10 January 2021 to be continued 23 January 2021, Time- 6.00 pm & a large vacancy for candidates already have completed the application & participated in the examination.
Candidates have completed the exam waiting for their result. Candidates download the pdf file and to find use roll number that in admit card.
Every person can be in a type category job. But sadly that is it job limitation is limited. After the exam, most candidates are confused about whether their results pass or fail.
I will tell them not to be upset. Put your confidence in it. Surely something good is waiting for you.
National Security Intelligence for the empty post about 990 different category position of Assistant Director, Research Officer, Assistant Programmer,
Candidates participated in the Preliminary exam held Not fixed, – total MCQ Marks- 100 a lot of candidates participated in this exam. Each post exam date will be held on different days.
After verification on the basis of merit the authority of the National Security Intelligence results are published and sent to their official website.
After, Candidates view the result on www.nsi.gov.bd from the notice board & there candidates can download PDF files & to be found use roll number with name.
NSI Exam Result 2022
National Security Intelligence – NSI Preliminary who participated in the exam their result may be published very soon in their official website or as well as from our website visit regularly all information update here. Some information about the exam related. Let’s go:-
- Organization: National Security Intelligence (NSI)
- Job Type: Government
- Total Vacancy: 990
- Online Application Submission Date: 10 January 2021
- Closing Date: 23 January 2021, Time- 6.00 pm
- Application System: Online
- Apply Link- cnp.teletalk.com.bd
- Total Exam time: 01 hour
- Exam Location: Dhaka
- Total Marks: 70/80
- Exam System: Preliminary
- Result Published Date: 06 December 2021
- website: www.nsi.gov.bd

NSI Junior Field Officer Exam Result 2021

Previous Exam Result

NSI Resut 2021
Any exam test result first sent to authority on their official website. So, NSI Result 2021 find the official website pmo.gov.bd or nsi.gov.bd. You May find Result our website available.
Any exam test result first sent to authority on their official website. So, NSI Result 2021 find the official website pmo.gov.bd or nsi.gov.bd. You May find Result our website available.
Congratulations to the candidates who have passed the viva examination. This relevant information has been announced on www.nsi.gov.bd notice board.
Many candidates don’t know how to collect results from their official website. I will say to them that the checking system is very easy. For NSI results you need to visit www.nsi.gov.bd & for full description follow to below instruction:-
- Open any browser (For best performance-Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera Mini)
- Type in the address bar:- www.nsi.gov.bd or pmo.gov.bd
- View all “Notices with results” Option
- Find out the NSI Preliminary Results.
- Download PDF File
- Then, Search result with your roll number that is found on the admit card.
- Done.
NSI Exam Result 2021 PDF
National Security Intelligence (NSI) results have been published in PDF format in their official website available: www.nsi.gov.bd.
There is a lot of traffic on the day the results are released so the server is very weak. In this case, you can easily download your results through our website. Now, candidates can be found and scroll down easily to get their results.
Whatever exam result is important for every candidate. But we make mistakes in this place. Many candidates are selected but don’t know the result.
Eligible candidates will be notified sent to Mobile Number SMS by authority but many times notification may not come. National Security Intelligence job circular is a higher level government job.
Candidates’ exam results online will be published by National Security Intelligence there on www.nsi.gov.bd. Applicants can check the PDF format that is found on www.nsi.gov.bd.
Many candidates do not know how to collect results. Then, it is very simple. I will support you in this matter.
Candidates can download the result in PDF Format from their official website as well as our website here. Just, scroll down to see your desired result in PDF format.
Candidates the result check from the roll number that can be found on the admit card. Candidates this result found PDF format. Authority exam results were released on their official website & otherwise from our website easily find your result. So, let’s go-
NSI Preliminary Result
The applicant candidate has already joined the Preliminary examination & exam held Not fixed. This year many candidates have participated for only 990 posts.
It is a more competitive exam. It is expected that the test results will be released soon. Stay with us. Hopefully, results will be available here as soon as the results are published. Candidates easily download all post exam result below option-
NSI Viva Result
NSI Viva result has been published by authority on official website. Candidates can be check the viva result cnp.teletalk.com.bd website.
NSI Job Circular 2021
NSI new job circular will be released. National Security Intelligence job circular all description found on their official website. Teletalk Application submission date start: 10 January 2021 and closing date: 23 January 2021, Time- 6.00 pm. Candidates application form submit teletalk website- cnp.teletalk.com.bd
NSI has published a new job circular from authority for employment/unemployment people. It’s hot news for them. Qualified candidates are able to online application form fill up & through cga.teletalk.com.bd.
It is a very interested NSI job circular for the people in Bangladesh. This type of category job matches your goals. Then, please follow terms & conditions: these are- academic qualification, age limit & other requirement information.
cnp.teletalk.com.bd Online Application
If eligible & interested candidates application form Online. They can submit application form National Security Intelligence teletalk server- cnp.teletalk.com.bd. The application form must be submitted within the stipulated time. So, follow to below instruction.
- First, Go to visit to Teletalk server: cnp.teletalk.com.bd
- Then, Select post & click the post.
- Input your mandatory field information such as {Name, Fathers, Mothers, Date of Birth, Religion, Nationality, National Id Card / Birth Registration No (If there is Freedom Fighter), present & permanent Address, personal mobile no, Educational Qualification etc.
- Click to Next Step Option
- Upload Recent Photo maximum image size 100 Kg ((300×300) pixel
- Signature size (300×80) pixel maximum image size 60 Kg.
- Review all Information is checked. Because If you give any wrong information, the authority the Application will want to reject.
- Save and Color Print A4 Size Paper (that It will be need future)
Conclusion: You can report nsi exam result related any question below comment box to known. We try to provide answer for your question. Every time connected our website because in Google update all kinds of jobs circular as soon as possible published these are- (Government , Bank, Private) result.