BPSC Job Circular 2022: new vacancy offered Bangladesh Public Service Commission by the authority BCS Health has been published 30 November 2022.
BPSC job circular notice has been published the authority sent to bpsc.gov.bd & bpsc.teletalk.com.bd web portal website.
Bangladesh Public Service Commission is a top level job in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Public Service Commission is a quasi judicial constitutional body established in 1972. The commission is responsible for the recruitment of civil service servants in the Bangladesh government.
Are you looking at the Bangladesh Public Service Commission? If you are eligible candidates for the post BCS Health. You can visit the right page. I suggest you should have all descriptions checked. However, applications can apply as soon as possible before they expire.
BPSC Job Circular 2022
The authority of Bangladesh Public Service Commission empty of vacancy in case of new career notice has been published. They want qualified candidates for the post BCS Health employer in their department.
Bangladesh Citizen candidates are invited for the post. Now, Candidates application form submits from their Teletalk server through- bpsc.teletalk.com.bd. All kinds of candidates apply to submit in case of eligibility.
Bangladesh Public Service Commission is a very popular & attractive job for the people in our country. Bpsc circular is 1st gazetted jobs & higher salary (35500-67010) for the position.
Bangladesh Public Service Commission Job Circular 2022
From authority for all types of people in case of eligible employment or unemployment people in our country. It is for good news & opportunity. However, qualified & eligible applicants have an online application form through bpsc.teletalk.com.bd web portal.
This type of job matches your education qualification. Then, I told you to follow terms & condition & directly all details check these are information: age limit & other requirement information.
- Organization Name: Bangladesh Public Service Commission
- Short Code: BPSC
- Category: Government Jobs
- Job Type: Permanent
- Job Location: Anywhere in Bangladesh
- Age limit: Not Over 50 Years
- Educational Qualification: see the circular
- Salary: see the circular
- Application process: On based Online Application System.
- Payment Fee Process: Through Teletalk
- Application fee: BDT- 700
Total Vacancy: 3331
- Application Open Date: 10 December 2022
- Closing date application: 31 December 2022
- Official website: bpsc.gov.bd
Apply Link- bpsc.teletalk.com.bd

BPSC Application Form – bpsc.teletalk.com.bd
Worthy & Interested candidates can through BPSC online application. Just follow the instructions below instruction. Let’s go-
- Visit to official website: bpsc.teletalk.com.bd
- Then, Select the desired post.
- Then, Click to “apply now” Option Tab
- Fill up required field
- Then, Click to Next Step
- Upload Recent Picture (300×300) pixel maximum image size 100 Kb in jpeg format.
- Also Signature size (300×80) pixel maximum image size 60 Kb in jpeg format.
- Then, Press the Submit button.
- The applicant copy save & color print A4 Size Paper (that It will be need future)
Payment Process
Candidates successfully submit your application before you should recheck your application form because if you submit the application fee then, there will be no chance of correction. However, you have to complete the application process to get a USER ID that needs to pay the application fee. Application fee must be paid otherwise the application will be rejected.
First Message (1st Step)
- Go to the Message Option your mobile, Modem or Others devices
- Create a New Message
- Write BPSC < space > User ID
- Example: BPSC ABCDEF & Send to it 16222
- After sending the first SMS you will receive a PIN number. You also see a pin number with name, position with amount.
- Then, Pin number using follow to 2nd Message
Second SMS (2nd Step)
- Write BPSC <space> yes <pin number>
- Example: BPSC yes 123456 & Send to it 16222