HSC Form Fill up Notice 2023: Higher Secondary School (HSC) for examiner (Batch-2022) form fill up notice will be published early. Students must fill up forms online and this process is complete within the specific time.
Recently, a new notice has been published for the higher secondary certificate- hsc examiner. We try in this article, everything necessary information including related hsc form fill up.
In addition the education minister said in a press release that he had decided to hold. The previous year, Form fill up process was directly or manually application
New notice has been published for the examiner of hsc form fill up 16 July 2023. The students now can fill up registration 2023
Table of Contents
HSC Form Fill Up 2023 Notice
But this year the education minister chose an alternative option for students to protect their health. Manually process form fill up process not active. Every student must fill up. Because without form filling up candidates don’t participate in the exam or auto promotion results are not published.
Although from the college for various reasons there are no messages then please must be in constant contact with college authority within the stipulated time.
This link is active for all education boards for HSC candidates. Students can fill up the Sonali Bank E-Sheba form fill up web page follow Link- https://sbl.com.bd:7070/BoardFee/Fee.
HSC Form Fill Up 2 web link through Dhaka Education Board web page and Sonali Bank E-Sheba. Candidates HSC form fill up complete in two methods. Regular, irregular, improvement all types of students have different form fill up fees and for online form fill up the same process.
The previous year, the Education System was an alternative option like HSC Exam Form fill Up full process is completed online. Bangladesh All Board of HSC Level and DIBS exam 2023 Dhaka, Comilla, Jessore, Sylhet, Rajshahi, Dinajpur, Technical, Madrasha, Mymensingh board this process is active.
HSC Form Fill Up 2023
Generally, Every year students fill up the full process manually/directly through college authority. But this year the education minister process changed due to Covid-19.
Now, Students easily complete the process just visit official link requirement information fill up and payment complete by Mobile Banking.
Students follow form fill up link- https://sbl.com.bd:7070/BoardFee/Fee with application fee payment according to board order. This authority makes this process open for students to be healthy and safe.
HSC Form Fill Up Sonali Bank Payment System
According to official sources, that own responsible institute confirms students’ list submission date. After Students Higher Secondary Certificate or equivalent (HSC) online Form submit submission with application fee the specified amount of money must be deposited (Mobile Banking).
Many students don’t know how to Higher Secondary Certificate- HSC Form Fill Up. I told you about this article. Here, you can easily know the way to Fill up the process. Just visit- Sonali Bank Web Portal Website- sbl.com.bd:7070/BoardFee/Fee.
Candidates input your HSC Roll & Registration No with payment Mobile Banking (Nagad, bKash, Rocket), Card, Sonali eWallet, etc. Step by Step follow to below instruction:
- First visit- https://sbl.com.bd:7070/BoardFee/Fee
- Then, Select (Own Education Name, HSC Registration No, SSC Roll Number)
- Press the Check Button.
- Click on the “Confirm Payment” Option
HSC Form Fill Up Dhaka Board
Dhaka Education Board of authority HSC form fill up notice has been published yet from the official website- dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd. This link only active Dhaka Board of candidates able to form fill up.
HSC form fill up fee for different (government/private) colleges. Every student HSC-2022 must fill up within the stipulated time.
The education board management committee has released Higher Secondary Students (HSC Batch 2022) for the exam form fill up notice. Full process complete online. Every student must pay attention to it. Because no examiner can take part in the exam without filling up the form.
Higher secondary school all types of students (Science, Humanities, Business Studies) must complete form fill up. Regular, irregular, improvement all types of students HSC form fill up submit within the specific time.
Candidates about form fill up will be notified their own register mobile number sent by the college authority. Another board HSC Form Form Fill Up not allowed. Candidates easily form fill up applications. Just, From Home page Just click- Students panel with type HSC Registration Number. Step by step full guidelines below.
- Visit to – dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd
- For the HSC Form Fill Up 2021, Click to Students Panel Button.
- Type your HSC Registration number.
- Then, Click to Submit Button.
- Click to Pay Option
- Pay Application Fee -Mobile Banking (Bkash, Nagad, Rocket, U-cash)
How to HSC Form Fill Up Online
Step 01:
- First visit to – dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd
- Click to Students Panel Option
- Input your Registration No
Step -02
- View your information (You can see, Name, Institute Name, Contact Number, SSC Roll, Registration No with amount)
- Click to Confirm Payment Button Payment.
Step – 03
- Choose Any Option (Sonali Bank, Cards) or Mobile Banking (Bkash, Nagad, Rocket otherwise Account Transfer Option.
- Successfully payment complete sent to SMS notified register mobile number.
Step- 04
- Option Choose (Back, Print Voucher, Download PDF)
- Print Voucher that refer future
- Mission Done.
How to Recover Voucher /Student Copy
Many students have a common question because server problems students copy/ voucher not be downloaded. I will give you the best suggestions.
- Visit to – https://sbl.com.bd:7070/BoardFee/Fee
- Again type your registration no and roll number.
- You can see Sixteen digit txnID or input your registration no.
- Copy and Enter your txnID
- Click to Search Button
- You can see your Student/Voucher copy
- Download & print out.
HSC Form Fill Up with Payment
HSC form fill up payment is an important part. But Due to server complications if you feel any problem while paying the money example- the money has been deducted but the money has been not paid. Then please wait a minute or contact the online banking authorities.
The amount of money will be informed through a message from the concerned college.
SM Aminul Islam said a released HSC form fills up all processes done online maintaining students for protection of health risks. This way students do not have to physically attend an education institute. Students will be able to complete all the work online.
Dhaka Education Board Form Fill Up Fee details information to know below image file. Science, Humanities, Business studies groups of students are different free. Although form fill up application fee automatically show payable amount application form.
Science Group | Business Studies | Humanities Group |
Total amount Depend college authority | Total amount Depend college authority | Total amount Depend college authority |
More Details check below image file

- Question: এইচ.এস.সি ফরম ফিলাপ কত ব্যাচের ছাত্র/ছাত্রীরা করতে পারবে?
- Answer: HSC (Batch- 2022)
- Question: আমি এইচ.এস.সি ফরম ফিলাপ করতে পারছি না? আমার তথ্য দেখাচ্ছে না এখন কি করব?
- Answer: Please contact College Authority
- Question: আমার ফরম ফিলাপের টাকা বেশি আসছে অন্যদের থেকে, কি করবো?
- Answer: Contact College Authority
- Question: আমার মেসেজ আসে নাই আমি কি আবেদন করতে পারবো না?
- Answer: Yes, Please check Above E Sonali Seba Online Registration Link
- Question: এইচ.এস.সি ফরম ফিলাপ কিভাবে করব?
- Answer: follow to link – https://erp.dhakaeducationboard.gov.bd/index.php/student_panel/login
- Question: পেমেন্ট কিসের মাধ্যমে করতে হয়?
- Answer: Mobile Banking (Bkash, Nagad, Rocket) or Sonali Bank.
- Question: আমি আবেদন করছি কিন্তু প্রিন্ট কপি বের করতে পারছি না, কিভাবে বের করব?
- Answer: Follow to this article above method.