DU KA/A Unit Admission Result 2021-22: dhaka university science group admission result 2022 can be found from du.ac.bd. The admission result of du can be checked application login (merit list and waiting list) admission result of Dhaka university.
Are you searching (how to DU KA Unit Result)? candidates can download the result through admission.eis.du.ac.bd website. Dhaka University Admission Test Result 2022 can be downloaded from du.ac.bd pdf format. The admission test roll number can be checked at Dhaka university admission result.
The university of dhaka admission result 2022 has been published soon. The admission result can be downloaded from admission.eis.du.ac.bd website by application login. Large number of students are participating in the Dhaka university admission test exam.
DU Admission Test Result will be published early but not fixed du official website and addition as well as our website- jobnewsbd24.com.
Table of Contents
DU A Unit Admission Result 2022
Dhaka University A Unit Admission test has been 1st October 2021. Now, Candidates are waiting for the admission test result of Dhaka University.
Students can find admission test results for the academic year 2020-21. Dhaka University exam management committee admission result is upload admission.eis.du.ac.bd by login with SSC & HSC Information.
Dhaka University Admission Result 2022 PDF A, B, C Unit will be published separately for the admission test 2021-21. Candidates can find the result through Online or SMS. Through Both processes the result can be found.
DU KA Unit Admission Result
Dhaka University Honours Program Admission test result admission test result has been published 01st October 2021. Large of student candidates can participate in the admission test.
They are waiting for the admission test result. This year’s admission test date is late because of the CoronaVirus (Covid-19) situation. Dhaka University KA Unit admission test merit list, you can find on Dhaka University Official Website.
DU admission test results 2022 for the session 2021-22 have participated in a total 1,23,806 for the science group of students. Whatever admission.eis.du.ac.bd website is upload the result by the authority.
KH, KHA, GHA Unit undergraduate program results will be published separately. Already all unit admission tests are complete and our website available.
How to know the DU Admission Result?
Through admission.eis.du.ac.bd website Dhaka University Admission Result Will be Published Very Soon. Huge number of candidates every year are admitted in the Dhaka University different department. Whatever Students can be DU admission results found on admission website and also through will be sent to mobile sms check the result.
- Go to visit Du Admission Website- admission.eis.du.ac.bd
- Then, Like the Login Option.
- Enter your Requirement Information.
- Press the Submit Button.
- You can display the result.

DU Result Check Through SMS
Dhaka University Admission Test result will be checked through the SMS. Candidates can send the SMS link Teletalk, Banglalink, Robi, Airtel etc. receive the result. DU Result through SMS system. Follow the below instruction.
- DU<space>KA<space>Admission Test Roll and send to 16321
- Example: DU KA 524364 and Sent to 16321
- DU<space>KHA<space>Admission Test Roll and send to 16321
- Example: DU KHA 123456 and Sent to 16321
- DU<space>GA<space>Admission Test Roll and send to 16321
- Example: DU GA 654524 and Sent to 16321
- DU<space>GHA<space>Admission Test Roll and send to 16321
- Example: DU GHA 545464 and Sent to 16321
- DU<space>CHA<space>Admission Test Roll and send to 16321
- Example: DU CHA 543213 and Sent to 16321