Directorate General of Health Services- DGHS Teletalk Com BD Application form submit, those who apply. Here, Direct or post application is not allowed.
DGHS Teletalk Com BD through online Application form 2023 has been published now. online databases are active.
Bangladesh all citizen people are eligible. If you are an eligible applicant then don’t delay as soon as possible the application has been published within the due time.
It is under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. Health department performs various functions related to public health. It is a fully government sector job. The present government job is comfortable & a high career in better life & future in our country.
DGHS Job Circular
DGHS application submission start date: 21 November 2023 & closing date: 02 December 2023. Applicant application form submitted online.
Whatever we try, this topic is related to all information on our website: www.job news bd Otherwise any government job circular is found on our website and can bookmark or note our website.
It is a very interesting DGHS job circular for Bangladesh citizen people. It is a blessing for unemployed people.
This type of job matches your aim. Then, I told you follow terms & condition & directly all details check these are information: academic qualification, age limit & other requirement information.
Directorate General of Health Services Job Circular 2023
A new job circular has been published on Bangladesh Citizen candidates are invited for the post. Now, application form submits from their teletalk server through- All kinds of candidates’ application forms submit in case of eligibility.
employment or unemployment of people in our country. It is for good news & opportunity. However, qualified & eligible applicants are able to apply online through web portal.
DGHS Job Circular 2023 Image File
Most people in Google Search at Directorate General of Health Services Job Circular PDF Format. You know that any type of government job circular sent to by authority is given in PDF format.
These are all information found. But it matter of sorrow that many people don’t know this file collecting system. So, candidate’s use this format to convert the image file & you can download it from our website. The download system is very easy & anyone can download it.

DGHS Job Circular 2023 (Click Here)
Application Form-
many candidates in Google Search to How DGHS Job Circular Online Application form fill up. If you have a question, then this article is for you. Here, you can learn all the processes to apply. It is a simple way.
- with like post and “apply now” option
- Personal information, educational and location input the correct field.
- Next step: Picture (300×300) pixel & Signature size (300×80)
- Review application: If you give any wrong information, the authority the Application will want to reject (N.B: The application forms carefully fill up. A little mistake can cause you to lose your desired job. so that there is no mistake)Then, Click the Submit
- Save and Color Print out A4 Size Paper (that It will be need future)
Payment Process
After applying the application form should be paid Application fees within 72 hours. The application fee must be paid through Teletalk SIM. So, check your balance; According to the circular, there must be a sufficient amount of balance. How to pay the application fee. Below are the complete guidelines so let go:
First Message (1st Step)
- Go to the Message Option your mobile or Modem
- Create a New Message
- CDC <SPACE> USER ID & Sent to it 16222
- Example: CDC ABCDEF & Send to it 16222
- After sending the first SMS you will receive a PIN number. You also see a Pin Number with name and post name.
- Pin number using 2nd Message
Second SMS (2nd Step)
- CDC <SPACE> YES <PIN NUMBER> & Send to it 16222
- CDC YES 123456 & Send to it 16222
Conclusion: You can report any jobs related to any question below the comment box. We try every time Google updates all job circular and admission news published such as: Government job, Bank Job, Private Job, Admission etc. So, every time we are connected with our website.